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Music submissions on Tonspion

Like every popular blog we get tons of new music every day from all over the world. Our friends at Indieshuffle have developed a great new submission tool that we use to listen to your music and and that allows us to give individual feedback – guaranteed!

Tonspion is the biggest German music blog and was founded 1999 with the focus to discover and promote new music. Most of our team are musicians themselves and we know the struggle and the feeling, if you don’t get any feedback on your work.

But in the past few years the numbers of music submissions have exploded and it has become impossible to listen to all the stuff from all over the world that we receive through mail. Which sucks.

Now you can reach our editoral team directly on Submithub, a great new platform for music submissions, that our friends from Indieshuffle have developed because they had the same problem: they could not handle their inbox anymore.

And this is how it works:

Submission Screen 1
Submission Screen 1

For any feedback you get you pay a couple of cents, just like you would if you sent a CD. This is used to pay for the amount of time that we actually spend listening to your music. This time we spend our time listening to YOUR music. We also take the time to send you an honest and open feedback how we liked it and what we have to say about it. Unlike the 1000 times you sent out something and never got a reply.

Exklusiv für Tonspion Leser:

🎵 Musik in Hi-Res-Qualität erleben – mit Qobuz!
🔊 Über 100 Millionen Songs in Studioqualität.
💾 Streamen & downloaden – das Beste aus beiden Welten.

👉 Jetzt 2 Monate kostenlos testen!

The best stuff we get to hear on Submithub will be featured in our weekly column to also give our users the opportunity to discover great new music the easy way.

Submission Screen 2
Submission Screen 2
Submission Screen 3
Submission Screen 3
Submission Screen 4
Submission Screen 4

At the moment we get more than 200 submissions per week and the level is really high. So Submithub gives us the opportunity to listen to EVERY single submission that you send us, no matter if you are an artist, a promoter/publicist or a label. We are looking forward to listening to your stuff! 

Send your music: TONSPION at Submithub

Submission Screen 5
Submission Screen 5

FAQ: Why does it cost money?

Listening to new music is the most time-consuming and actually most unproductive part of our work. We just have to be able to pay someone for doing the job.

Do we get rich on Submithub?

For sure not! We earn 1 Dollar for listening to a track on Submithub and give a personal feedback. If we need 10 mins for that, we earn 6 Dollars per hour. So: it’s probably not the best tool for us to make money, but for you it’s the cheapest promotion tool out there. And the most effecitve one.

Since the music business is a huge, crazy jungle, any hint about the right way to go will bring you forward and help you on the way to success. Take our subjective feedback and make something out of it or ignore it and just get better – it’s totally up to you.

Tonspion Backstage Pass

In eigener Sache: Wir möchten unsere Social Media Profile löschen und unabhängig von nerviger Bannerwerbung werden. Und dazu brauchen wir dich: Unterstütze unsere Arbeit und hol dir den Tonspion Backstage Pass ab 2 Euro/Monat.
Sobald wir genügend Mitglieder haben, können wir wieder unabhängig von den großen Plattformen arbeiten.